Interface KmtInputContext

The context for the keyboard mouse and trackpad input state machine.

interface KmtInputContext {
    alignCoordinateSystem: boolean;
    canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
    initialCursorPosition: Point;
    notifyOnPan: (delta: Point) => void;
    notifyOnRotate: (deltaRotation: number) => void;
    notifyOnZoom: (zoomAmount: number, anchorPoint: Point) => void;
    setInitialCursorPosition: (position: Point) => void;
    cleanup(): void;
    setup(): void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)

Implemented by


alignCoordinateSystem: boolean
initialCursorPosition: Point
notifyOnPan: (delta: Point) => void
notifyOnRotate: (deltaRotation: number) => void
notifyOnZoom: (zoomAmount: number, anchorPoint: Point) => void
setInitialCursorPosition: (position: Point) => void
